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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

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Saint Rafael
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Tentei ver o stream, mas cheguei tarde, já acabou...
Mas no final saiu um jogo mesmo! hahaha
Foda-se os haters mas esse jogo parece muito promissor! Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Página 2 2047695355

Mudarei o título do tópico! Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Página 2 1948895123

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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series’ Formula, Ends Trilogy

Final Fantasy XIII
heroine Lightning will be back in a new game, Square-Enix announced today. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. This one is going to be a very different Final Fantasy.

Series director Motomu Toriyama began a presentation in Tokyo by showing an image of a rose, saying roses have many meanings. He then said that this game is the conclusion of Lightning's saga. (No, we're not sure what that means either!)

Toriyama said Lightning will make her comeback, returning as a stronger character than she was in the first two games, FF XIII and FF XIII-2. Lightning is going to face her final battle, so he asked the character designer to convey the power in her eyes. It's the end of her trilogy of games.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series' Formula, Ends Trilogy
From the start, Toriyama described features little seen in Japan's renowned role-playing game series. The game will offer players a lot of ways to customize their version of Lightning. Her outfits will be about more than just aesthetics. They affect her abilities.

Character control will be more dynamic. She'll be able to hang off ledges, pull herself up, jump, duck behind corners. You'll be able to move her around in battle, a first, they said, for the series.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series' Formula, Ends Trilogy
During the presentation, we got a look at what might be the first screenshot of the new game. (If not, then it's a concept piece.)

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series' Formula, Ends Trilogy
We also saw some concept art that begins to illustrate how different this game is from the standard FF game. The world of Lightning Returns runs in real-time. When the game begins, the world, called Nobus (Novus?) Partus, is 13 days away from the end. She has 13 days and 13 nights to save humanity. The game runs on a doomsday clock, shades of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series' Formula, Ends Trilogy
The whole game runs on a time-of-day system, with a monorail that moves through it on schedule, like everything else in the world—you can get stuck in one region waiting for the monorail to take you to another island.

The game world touches on three themes: gothic, mechanical and fantasy.

The game will be out for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2013.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series' Formula, Ends Trilogy.

But wait, there's more!

Concept art galore...

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series' Formula, Ends Trilogy

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series' Formula, Ends Trilogy

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series' Formula, Ends Trilogy

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series' Formula, Ends Trilogy

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Makes Major Changes to the Series' Formula, Ends Trilogy

Fonte: http://kotaku.com/5939779/the-next-final-fantasy


We're excited to reveal LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII, a new adventure that puts players in control of iconic heroine Lightning. 


On a quest to save a doomed world from complete destruction; time is of the essence. What will you do with your final days when certain areas, missions, and people will only be available during selected periods?



Playing as Lightning you will have a highly evolved range of techniques for battles and for exploring the constantly moving and expansive environment. Players will be able to be able to customise Lightning's looks, actions and abilities with a large range of different outfits and weapons.


“We are pleased to reveal that Lightning is returning as the playable character in this title, and are excited to see how fans react to the more direct battle system and expansive environment that can be explored at will” said Producer Yoshinori Kitase.


LIGHTNING RETURNS introduce a brand new battle system that gives you action unlike any FINAL FANTASY game while also retaining some the iconic elements that you know and love from the series.


Motomu Toriyama, Director added; “Increased levels of player freedom, customisation and connectivity with the real world, will ensure that this concluding chapter will be an exhilarating finale to Lightning’s story.”



LIGHTNING RETURNS allows you to stay connected to FINAL FANTASY and its characters with unique features that link the in-game to world to the real world. Keep an eye on the blog for more details soon.

Fonte: http://eu.square-enix.com/en/blog/announcing-lightning-returns-final-fantasy-xiii

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- More to the point, though, the title "Lightning Returns" speaks to broader changes to the series. While it looks to be running on a modified Final Fantasy XIII-2 engine, its play mechanics hint at fairly radical changes to the entire concept of Final Fantasy. For starters, Lightning Returns really is Lightning's game.

- She's not simply the main character, she's the sole playable character. Not unlike Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and its hero Zack Fair, the entire game revolves around her; she explores on her own, fights combat solo, and singlehandedly bears the burden of saving the world from a looming apocalypse.

- Surprisingly, the combat system takes an even more action-oriented style than Crisis Core. Square has completely swept away the menu-driven, hands-off system that served so effectively in the first two chapters of FFXIII, pouring its resources instead into a system that allows players to control Lightning directly in single combat against foes.

- Menus are out. Instead, players instead can assign four skills or commands to the controller's face buttons and execute them instantly. If this sounds suspiciously similar to Kingdom Hearts, realize the overlap only goes so far. Lightning fights in a far less button-mashy style than Sora and friends, with considerably less air-combo time, and she's not limited to a single use of each power followed by a cooldown period.

- Perhaps the most interesting feature of LR:FFXIII's battle system, however, is the new "Overclock" ability. Overclock allows Lightning to slow the flow of combat for everyone but herself, gaining the upper hand against difficult foes. The tradeoff, however, is that using Overclock costs time.

- And time is of the essence in this game. Just as FFXIII spanned 13 days (revealed through flashbacks sprinkled throughout the story), LR:FFXIII also takes place across 13 days. In this case, however, that period of time serves as a countdown to an apocalypse. In just shy of two weeks, the world will end, and Lightning's goal is to prevent it.

- This may sound awfully reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, but I think a better comparison might be to Valkyrie Profile or Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter. As in Valkyrie Profile -- a game created by tri-Ace, who incidentally co-developed FFXIII-2 -- Square tells us that if you reach the end of the 13-day countdown without having beaten the game, you may be thrust into the final battle regardless. On the other hand, you may also be able to start over, potentially carrying across skills and materials (the developers have yet to determine the specifics).

- In that sense, LR:FFXIII reminds us more of Dragon Quarter, a game designed around the assumption that you'd screw things up and need to restart, replaying the quest with enhanced strength and abilities that built with every new attempt.

- What makes LR:FFXIII particularly Dragon Quarter-like is the way it treats time as a sort currency. Treasures cost time to access (the more powerful the item within, the more time required).

- Overclocking apparently burns several minutes per use, much like abusing the ability to transform into a dragon in Dragon Quarter added to the constant advance of Ryu's deadly D-meter, marking your progression to the inevitable end of your quest.

- And should Lightning fall in combat, it's not necessarily game over; rather, a menu appears that allows players to choose to quit or cast a healing spell. The rub? Casting a spell like Arise costs 100 minutes, a not-insignificant investment when you're on a 13-day deadline.

- Is it worthwhile to burn time and continue or simply accept failure gracefully? Trade-offs like these give Lightning Returns the potential to force interesting decisions on players, requiring consideration and long-term strategic thinking.

- If LR:FFXIII lives up to its potential, it will mark a much-needed update for the Final Fantasy series (and possibly for Square's internal development approach in general). I can understand why many people will greet the game's announcement with skepticism; FFXIII turned off a lot of fans, and FFXIII-2 didn't quite make good on its bold intentions.

- Still, what we've seen of Lightning Returns suggests a ground-up rethinking of what "Final Fantasy" means, from mechanics to story progression; for a series that's always thrived on reinventing itself, a successful total overhaul would make for a welcome return to form.

- Every region, every locale is subjected to this clock,” said a Square Enix rep. There will be a day and night cycle, and shops will open and close based on this clock. A monorail system, which connects to the islands of the world, is even subjected to the clock. You will have the option of adding more time to the clock in order to slow the world’s demise.

- What will you do with your final days when certain areas, missions, and people will only be available during selected periods,” wrote Square Enix’s Ben Batemen in a post on the Square Enix Europe Blog.

Fonte: http://www.1up.com/previews/lightning-returns-final-fantasy-xiii-first-looks

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Altamente. Bi.zar.ro. Assim, não sei o que dizer. Eu fiquei completamente confuso agora.

Estão falando que vai se o último jogo da trilogia, a Square quer dar um giro de 180 graus se comparado aos dois outros, e justo no último jogo.
A direção mudou completamente ao descartarem tanto o mundo como o gameplay estabelecido anteriormente nos títulos anteriores.
Sistema de party e batalha com paradigms completamente remodelado para o solo, e até o mundo de Pulse e Cocoon aparentemente foi para o saco com essa história aí de se passarem centenas de anos.

Pra um game de que seria o último da trilogia, "descartar" (ou remodelar) tudo estabelecido anteriormente faz com que ele se aparente mais com um jogo a parte do que elemento da trilogia, eu vejo isso justificavel só se ele for a ligação com um possivel último game que voltaria às raízes.
Se for realmente isso vai fazer mais sentido mesmo se chamar FFXIII Lightining Saga do que XIII-3. Como é que a Square pretende dar uma identidade à trilogia se no último a concepção toda muda??

Another sequence showed Lightning, dressed in a new outfit, in pursuit of the criminal in a murder incident. She pursues a group of suspicious people, making use of cover actions -- hiding behind walls, for instance. During the presentation, Toriyama explained that you can perform some sneaking actions using simple controls.

FFXIII meets MGS e Deus Ex HR (faltam os takedowns).
Eu quero é ver como a ligação da história desse vai se estabelecer com o II, a Lightning tinha obtido um status godlike com todo aquele blábláblá da Etro (que nem chegou a ser muito explicado) e agora vai perseguir criminosos com sneaking tipo QTE em um mundo completamente novo? DA FUCK? E essa cidade Vesus-Like?

Linha temporal até agora:
XIII: Bando de caras lutando contra destino e uma versão malvada do meu avô. Foquinho. Lacinho. Falcinho. Pulsinho. Coconzinho. SERAH (loop)
XIII-2: Mary Sue e o cara que meteu chifre no seu namorado tendo aventuras mágicas e paradoxais com um moogle e na verdade ferrando com tudo
XIII-3: Semideusa (ex-militar) de meio período que perdeu seu emprego e virou policial numa dimensão paralela (e ainda virgem)

Serious business.

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Gostei bastante da idéia de um mundo totalmente aberto como FFXII, pela apresentação deu a entender que esse seria um novo foco dos jogos da serie agora, também gostei da modificação do sistema de batalhas para um Action/rpg pela hands on da demo, me pareceu bastante com Type-0 com ATB.

Apreciei bastante a apresentação, em vez de mostrarem um trailer que não diz nada, eles exibiram a proposta total do jogo de uma vez, então já sabemos o que esperar...

já sobre o "Lore", eu entendi desta forma.

FFXIII - Mundo visível, na segunda reconstrução do mundo por Etros, que já tinha abandonado aquele mundo na verdade, e os vilões queriam ir embora com ela, ou a invocar de alguma forma, o que conseguem no fim.

FF type-0 - Primeira criação do mundo por Etros, o Pulse original provavelmente, mundo que acaba abandonado pela deusa também no fim da história, e que tece laços entre algumas coisas.

FFXIII-2 - começamos a navegar pela outra parte do Lore, o deus que comanda o mundo invisível, e Light que está entre os dois mundos presa, Noel veio de um futuro de milhares de anos a frente que havia sido destruído, os personagens tentam reverter isso, Lightning está la para proteger o trono da Deusa mas acaba desistindo de seus poderes divinos no fim do jogo.

FFXIII-3 - pode muito bem ser o mundo do Noel, cujo futuro foi alterado por ele e Serah, lembram que no fim do XIII-2 a Serah tem uma visão e nos não vemos o que ela estava vendo? e que a Light esta caminhando agora em um mundo milhares de anos no futuro, porém eles passaram alguns cenários familiares de pulse nos trailers, é como se tivesse acontecido algo similar ao que houve no fim de Tales of Xillia acho Tongue

os mundos se juntaram e criaram outro mundo, sem falar que o trem ligando as 4 ilhas foi interessante porque faz referencia ao inicio da novel que a Lightning fala que andou por muito tempo ate achar terra porque ela estava no meio do mar, e também a cidade que é mostrada lembra muito Valhalla na tonalidade de cores, talvez seja a mesma habitada.

já sobre as quests não reclamarei disso..., eu joguei recentemente Dragons Dogma, jogo no qual eu era a salvadora do mundo e que todo o mundo dependia de minhas ações, e tive que caçar ladrões de frutas, matar javalis, achar itens idiotas, procurar notas promissórias, todos os jogos tem essas besteiras acho, sendo divertido e inovador para mim já está bom, a história é confusa pacas mesmo Laughing

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Como sempre, muita gente reclamando desse jogo por toda a internet... Só sei de uma coisa, os haters e fãs vão ser os primeiros a comprar esse jogo no lançamento. Laughing
É como disseram no Kotaku, Final Fantasy sempre irá render audiência.

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djcoston escreveu:
Como sempre, muita gente reclamando desse jogo por toda a internet... Só sei de uma coisa, os haters e fãs vão ser os primeiros a comprar esse jogo no lançamento. Laughing
É como disseram no Kotaku, Final Fantasy sempre irá render audiência.

É muito engraçado esses haters dessa compilação. De todos que reclamam dela, TODOS nunca jogaram FXIII-2, preferem se acomodar na idéia de que é do mesmo nível do primeiro.

Do outro lado, é só lançar qualquer coisa relacionada a FFVII que compram sem nem questionar nada. Mesmo que sejam uma completa porcaria feito Crisis Core ou Dirge of Cerberus, ou ter só alguns personagens em um jogo raso de pseudo-luta feito Dissidia (fora a maior curiosidade: FFVII ser tão aclamado mesmo sendo tão meia boca em relação a muitos outros da série).


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Vc não gosta da saga VII Hawk??? Eu achei fascinante, mais pelo enredo do q por qq outra coisa, e gosto demais do Vincent, nem só por isso descrimino outros FFs, tenho a maior vontade de jogar o VIII q ainda jogarei e o proprio XIII q só não jogo pois nao tenho recursos no momento

Meus RPGs Finalizados

"We keep playing!"

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Eu também não entendo bem as reações quanto a esses FF novos, nada do que lançarem com esse título vai ser considerado um bom jogo pela maioria das pessoas, é melhor ignorar isso já que a grande parte das criticas são apenas opiniões pessoais.

Falando em FF7 está tendo uma apresentação agora, só vão ficar relembrando momentos da serie e etc

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Os fãs de Final Fantasy são meio nazistas, eles gostam de um somente, e metem o pau no resto da série. É muito chupa-saquismo que chega a dar nojo de certos FFs. yawn
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