Aksys Games has announced that it will be co-delevoping a game for the first time. Magus, pronounced "may-jus", is being made in conjuction with developer Black Tower using Unreal Engine 3 and will be released on PlayStation 3.
Magus focuses on the titular character's adventures after he escapes from years of imprisonment and torture for an unknown crime in the Waterfall Kingdom. With fellow escapee Kinna in tow, the two journey to uncover the secrets behind Magus' mysterious past and purpose. Whilst doing so they must also face the forces of the Waterfall Kingdom, who are determined to not let Magus go freely. Players will be able to use a vast selection of spells and abilites, stemming from Magus' chroma magic abilities that allow him to absorb power from certain colours in his surroundings. At the time of writing the game's official website is a placeholder, but details about the game will be added as they become available.

Fonte: RPGamer

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